As of this writing, EarpConic has activities planned for the first three weekends in March: Saturday and Sunday March 1st and 2nd, Saturday and Sunday March 8th and 9th and Saturday and Sunday March 15th and 16th.
What currency are your prices in and what payment methods do you accept?
All our prices are in US dollars, our ticketing platform, Ticketspice, accepts most major debit and credit cards.
Can I attend as many events as I want to? Absolutely! The only restriction we are placing on attendance is for the back to back one-on-one calls. Those are limited to 2 or 3 (One 6 or 9 minute call) per guest per day. All quantities are stated on each guests ticket page.
What is a “Block”?
A block is a one-hour span of time that varies from guest to guest. Each block has room for fifteen (15) three-minute calls (and a 15 minutes buffer for switching calls and lag) with the guest. Some guests will do all their one-on-ones during the morning or afternoon, others will spread them out during the whole day. No guest will be doing more than three hours of one-one-one calls during the day.
Can multiple people be included in the One-on-ones, Group and Game calls?
No, the ticket purchase is for one person, if multiple people are on screen your call will be terminated. The exception to this is if the call has been purchased for someone under 18, in that case their guardian may be in the call with them.
What platforms are you using for the activities?
One-on-One, Group & Gaming calls will take place using Zoom. Zoom is a video conferencing platform that can be accessed on a computer or mobile device.
It is free to create an account at . You will be emailed your access link prior to your event. It is your responsibility to ensure your Zoom app (if you are using the app version) is up to date and you are displaying the same name that you made your purchase with.
How do I know what time the events take place?
All our published times are in EST. You can use to check what the EST times are in your local time.
What happens if I miss my call time?
Unfortunately, you will not be able to make it up. Schedules for calls are VERY tight and, unless a person hasn’t sold out, there will be no room for makeups.
I changed my mind, can I get a refund?
No, all sales are final. Refunds can only be given if a guest cancels.
Can I record my call or take screenshots?
No, and we can’t say this enough, NO recording or screenshotting of any part of the call is allowed. If you are found to be doing either, the call will be immediately terminated, you will be barred from future attendance and you will not be issued any refunds. This includes one-on-ones, gaming calls, group calls and panels.
Besides recording, what else would get a call terminated?
If at any time the guest is made to feel uncomfortable or the room monitor finds the behavior or action of the attendee to be inappropriate or out of line, the call could be terminated. Guests have full discretion over what they deem inappropriate or uncomfortable.
Will we get a screenshot of the call?
Yes, included with the purchase of their ticket, all attendees will be emailed a screenshot of their call with the guest
What are these “gaming calls” about?
The game calls will be on zoom and simultaneously on another device such as the players phone accessing Jackbox games are a collection of online, multiplayer party games designed to be played with a large group of people using their own devices like phones or tablets, where players typically answer prompts, write funny responses, or draw pictures, with the group then voting on the best answers. Once our guests have chosen their games they will be displayed on their ticket page.
What games can I play in a gaming call and how do you play a JackBox game?
To play Jackbox games:
1. Your hosts have purchased the main pack for your games, so you need to install nothing.
2. Your host shares their screen and launch the game when it’s time.
4. A room code will appear on the host’s screen
5. Players use a device with a web browser to go
6. Enter the room code and a player name
7. Click Play
8. The host launches the game from the host screen when everybody in the room has joined.
Each game is split into three rounds: two normal rounds with several questions, and a final round with only one. Each question begins with one player selecting a category. Every question consists of an unusual fact with a missing word or phrase. Each player makes up a fake answer using their mobile device. Afterwards, the real answer and all of the lies are displayed randomly on-screen. Players must then choose what they think the truth is. Points are awarded to whoever successfully picks the truth, as well as to anybody who fools the other players with their lies.
In the first round, 1000 points are given for finding the true answer, and 500 points are awarded for every person fooled by a particular lie; if a player has the game choose a lie for them using the “Lie for me!” option, they only get half the points. If a player selects a lie provided by the game (usually when a player does not put in a lie), they will lose 500 points. In Round 2, points are doubled (2000 for the truth, 1000 for lies), and in the final round – the Final Fibbage – points are tripled (3000 for the truth, 1500 for lies). The player with the most points after the three rounds wins.
Like the other entries in the series, gameplay centers around answering trivia questions with pop culture twists (ex. “What emoji would I use if I were throwing nightshade at all my haters on the internet?”). Players answer the question on their devices, and win $1,000 if they are correct, or lose $1,000 if they are wrong or decline to answer ($2,000 apiece in Round 2). The time limit for each question is 20 seconds (whether the “Extended timers” setting is enabled), but gains and losses are not tied to time remaining. Audience members can answer questions as well, and players answering correctly will receive a cash bonus equal to $1,000 times the proportion of audience answers that are wrong. Each game is split into three rounds: two to five questions each, and the Jack Attack. After the Jack Attack, the player with the most money will win.
The game follows a basic structure of players receiving prompts and having to draw said prompt on their devices. All players will then see the other players’ drawings in turn and come up with a fake answer for that drawing. Afterwards, players then need to guess what the actual drawing is from the answers on screen. If they guess the correct prompt,
both the player that drew the prompt and those that guessed it get points. If a player-suggested answer is chosen, only the person who wrote it will get points.
Depending on the number of players, the number of rounds will change. There is also no “Final Round,” so after all drawings have been seen, the player with the highest score is crowned the winner.
Participants will be given ordinary items, one at a time, that they have to retrieve from their own homes. If they’re lucky, the items will be within grabbing distance; if they’re not, they’ll have to run for them. Number of items will be based on the length of time it takes to get everybody back to their seats. Items may be things such as a colored marker or a bag of frozen peas.”
Are panels free to anyone?
Yep, sure are! EarpConic panels will be streamed via , keep an eye on our social media for more info when these are happening.
I paid for autographs. Now what?
Unfortunately, the wait time for these is going to be a bit. There needs to be printing, mailing out for signatures, sign time, mailing back, sorting, packaging, mailing out….sheesh! We’re tired just thinking about it! So please expect at least 6 weeks delivery from the date of EarpConics conclusion.
What happens if my package gets mangled?
We will be making every effort to If your signed items get damaged, but as we all know, we are at the mercy of the USPS. If you email us and tell us that your package has been damaged, we will ask you to provide proof. Once we follow up, you will be allowed to keep the damaged item(s) and we will also send out a non-personalized replacement signed photo. It will be then be your responsibility to make a claim with the post office.
How do I transfer my ticket to someone else?
Ticketspice is now open for transfers. THIS DOES NOT APPLY TO TRANSFERS MADE BEFORE 2-10-25!!*
Tickets to Earpconic’s Wynonna Earp March Mayhem are nonrefundable. However, if you find yourself in a jam, you may transfer your ticket to someone else. Here’s what will happen:
1. When you go to, there will now be a “TRANSFER YOUR TICKETS” button under each guest.
2. When you click that button, you will be taken to the Ticketspice transfer page
3. YOU will fill in the information that you are being asked for.
4. A link will be sent from Ticketspice TO the person to whom you are transferring the ticket.
5. When that person completes their end (THEY WILL PAY FOR THE TICKET AND THE $3 TRANSFER FEE)
6. Once that is complete, you – the original ticket holder – will be refunded for your ticket MINUS the Ticketspice fee.
Not exactly easy-peasy, but it really is the best we can offer
*Transfers made before 2-10-25 will be managed on our end. We are unable to do a true transfer, but we will have all the notes we will need to make sure that everybody is where they need to be.